The Wave… the Navy… “Popcorn Girl” Kyril.

I am very angry!

“Die Welle” is another obscure (at least around this neck of the woods) gem, unearthed during a convoluted bit of net-surfing (you know… one thing lead to another…) It was great to see our house full, and heartening that the director managed to sneak a few laugh lines into this otherwise full-speed-ahead political drama. I know that we must get back to our Dustin Hoffman mini-season, but perhaps we should have a parallel German mini-season too? We can certainly think of a few that would be a pleasure to see here. C’mon MovieNighters… whaddayathink? More Deutsche?

The First Detail

Congratulations to Zofi’s brother Szymon on his graduation with flying colors from Naval Recruit School in Great Lakes, IL. We look forward to serving him up a well-deserved, icy-cold dirty martini on his next visit to MovieNight. Oh yeah… thanks to Kyril for filling in as “Popcorn Girl” while Zofi was away at his graduation ceremony. Job well done!

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