I can remember loving this film for about as many years as I can remember loving any movie. It is an unusual mix of comedy and drama, which just works somehow. Well, it would have worked a lot better if it weren’t for about 12 missing minutes. In what we can only hope is the last of a current string of technical snafus, somebody (me) didn’t pay attention to the little voice asking, “Why does the DVD player say this is 1 hour and 53 minutes, when the film is supposed to be 2 hours and 5 minutes?” Ah, the little voice… it’s the one that’s ever-so-quiet when it initially asks the question, but ever-so-loud when you remember it asking the question post f**k-up.
As a result, we missed three scenes (which I call, “How many martinis?”, “Tennis racket spaghetti toss”, and “Brother-in-law punch”). This is pretty unacceptable, and if anyone wants, I’m happy to rescreen the intact work, on, say a Wednesday night. Let me know.