Two action films already this year! What’s up with that?
Some weeks, I’m so indecisive about which direction to take MovieNight that, come Tuesday (invitation day, normally) I’m driving myself and everyone around me absolutely nutso. I had a couple of films in mind but it was too late to Netflix them, so I headed to my local Blockbuster (yes, there is one still!) hoping that I might find either of them there. Nope. However, I noticed that they had The Hurt Locker as a “Hot New Release!”, and they had one copy on Blu-ray! The Hurt Locker was languishing at the top of my Netflix queue, with the notation Very long wait. Since I had been hearing a lot of good things about this somewhat under-hyped movie, I decided to break my golden rule of not screening anything at MovieNight that I hadn’t previously watched . We got lucky this time.
And, as for action films… the two we’ve shown this year are definitely mold-breakers… and great MovieNights.
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