I’m a huge fan of Jonathan Glazer… his style and pace appeal to me. Following last week’s wildly successful undisclosed screening of Get Carter, it seemed only natural to keep the British Gangster thing going for another week with Sexy Beast. Apparently you agreed (or perhaps the film’s name was simply too hard to resist?), as we had peeps on the “emergency cushions” on the floor. Glazer also has penchant for great sound design (particularly evident in Birth), and while the heart of our MovieNight sound system was back in the repair shop (again!), I think we managed to present pretty well with the vintage 1970’s Marantz and Technics stand-ins that we keep in the back room for just such an emergency. The musical score haunts me still.
Ben Kingsley’s character was absolutely terrifying… I’ve met psychopaths like that, and managed to play the happy-go-lucky dufus convincingly enough to survive. Yikes.
Anyway… one more to go before we close our doors for the summer (rooftop extras, not withstanding). It will be a musical extravaganza… for sure.